Welcome to the Employee Spotlight! Every month we focus on a ProMax team member- what they do here to help your dealership succeed AND a little about them personally as well. This month the spotlight is on Graphic & Web Designer Katie Corbin.
Describe what you do at ProMax and how it impact our clients.
I am a graphic and website designer here at ProMax/Blackhawk Digital. In a typical day I get the pleasure of working with dealerships to design engaging websites, along with promotional graphics that help them sell more cars. I strive to keep on top of the latest design trends and keep up-to-date with HTML and SEO best practices. Nothing feels better than helping a dealership improve their online presence and helping their business grow. I love being a part of the digital team and enjoy using my talents and knowledge, to have a positive impact on our products and services.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
The most rewarding part of my job is being a part of a team that is constantly evolving, learning, and growing. It's so fulfilling to work on a team that is NOT OK with being mediocre. My coworkers, and myself, are truly invested in helping our customers succeed and we are always reaching & striving for the next best thing.
What do you enjoy doing most outside of work?
My favorite thing to do is spend time with my family. I also enjoy traveling, specifically cruising, seeing the newest movies, and participating in retail therapy. When my family and I aren’t planning our next vacation, I like to craft, hike, play volleyball, and walk our dog.
What is your favorite line from a movie?
"You're mad. Bonkers. Off your head ... But I’ll tell you a secret ... some of the best people are." — Alice, Alice in Wonderland
If you could learn to do anything new, what would it be?
I'd love to learn to play the guitar. Currently I'm working on learning how to French braid my daughter's hair.
What are 3 words you’d use to describe working at ProMax?
Family, rewarding, evolving
Who would play you in a movie about your life, and what would the title of the movie be?
I've actually thought about this before and my answer is, hands down, Melissa McCarthy. I feel like her and I share a lot of the same personality traits and have the same sense of humor when it comes to overcoming life's hurdles.
At what age did you become an adult, and how did you know it happened?
I'm not sure if I am completely an adult yet. I can “adult” if needed, but I much more enjoy watching a good Disney flick and playing with my daughter. “I'm growing older, but not up” - Jimmy Buffett
What 3 traits define you?
Creative, empathetic, fun-loving.
What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?
Don't sweat the small stuff. Take life as it comes. There will be good times, and bad times. You'll get through it. Fall in love with yourself. Boys don't matter as much as you think, and you'll end up right where you are supposed to be. Spend more time with your grandparents.
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us.
I did a college internship at Walt Disney World and it had a much bigger impact on my life than I ever thought. I met some of the most amazing people, gained confidence in my independence, and it fueled a slight Disney obsession. I’d never had the opportunity to visit the parks until I worked there.
What advice would you give to recent new hires?
Ask questions. Don't be afraid to speak up with ideas. Value your coworkers and get to know them. One of the best things about working for ProMax/Blackhawk Digital is getting to be surrounded by amazing people with years of knowledge. Put your heart into your work. And.... do your best to come up with the best Halloween costume EVER (it will pay off come October).
What does true leadership mean to you?
True leadership comes from someone with integrity and someone who is a good communicator. True leaders are enthusiastic about their tasks and take pride in helping others succeed. They are compassionate to their associates and are not afraid to jump into the trenches and help when needed.
What inspires you?
My daughter. She inspires me to slow down and smell the flowers. Find the small joys in life and see each day as a great adventure.
If you could pick one superpower, what would it be?
I'd choose to have healing as a superpower, like Rapunzel in Disney's Tangled. I'd wrap my long hair around people, sing a song, and POOF! All better!
What are you looking forward to most this year?
I'm looking forward to being able to travel more in the next year. Possibly even getting on a cruise ship now that the Covid situation is improving! I'm hoping to get some vitamin SEA! I'm also looking forward to connecting with my friends and family in person more this coming year. Not being able to spend holidays together over the last year was rough and I'm ready to make up for lost time!