Link to Mobile Workscreen in
Text Notification Popups
Have you checked out the new Mobile Workscreen yet? You can make calls and add notes, change statuses, send texts and E-brochures, and a whole lot more. We're having free classes on ProMax Mobile all month.
Our latest addition is a link to the Mobile Workscreen from Text Notification popups in ProMax, just like we recently did for Scheduled Activity Reminder popups:
Now if you're in the middle of a deal and a text comes in, you just click the hyperlink and it launches the Mobile Workscreen in your browser. You don't need to navigate away from what you're doing in ProMax; now you can look at the customer's history, make calls, and add notes, all while working elsewhere in your ProMax system.
Appointment Popup on the Mobile Workscreen
We continue to add more features to the Mobile Workscreen.
Now we've added Appointment popups. If you go to a customer's Mobile Workscreen and they have an appointment set for the day, you'll be prompted with a popup, just like you would be in ProMax:
Improved Password Security
We're always working to make ProMax more secure, and recently we've made a number of changes related to passwords, beginning with the Password Reset feature we released a few months ago.
Now we've updated the guidelines for ProMax passwords. Passwords must now be at least 8 characters long, not contain your first name, last name, or user name, and can't have sequential or repetitive sequences (e.g. "1234" or "zzzz"). The next time you change your password, if it doesn't meet the new guidelines, you'll see this popup:
We know what you're going to say: "secure passwords are annoying, I want to stick with 'johnny123'", and we completely understand. But security is a necessity, and just a few tweaks can make your password much more secure but still easy for you to remember. Try 'joh12nny' or '12CarGuy'. If you're interested, here's an article with some tips on creating strong passwords that are still easy to remember.
We also removed the "View Password" button from the Admin User Access screen. Admins can still force a password reset from here, but can no longer view a user's current password.
A few weeks ago we released the Enhanced Multi-Option Proposal, a powerful combination of the Multi-Option Proposal and the Gas Savings Proposal. Now we've got another great new closing tool: the Cash Rollback Proposal.
If your customer has settled on a payment, but isn't so sure about the down payment, this proposal helps in two ways.
- It shows your customer what their payment would be with 3/4 the down payment, 1/2, 1/4, or none at all. Then it
- Combines this info with the Gas Savings Proposal to offset the payment increase.
This close helps show the customer how much they can really afford and keeps the focus on the payment to help you hold gross.
For more information about how this great new proposal can help your dealership, contact your account rep.
Other Changes & Fixes
- We added a new Forms variable for "Last 6 of VIN". [Item 196927]
- Deal submittals to DealerTrack DMS will now use delivery date for the deal and sale date if available. We also made a change that will prevent deleted customers from being picked up by DealerTrack's dupe matching process. [Items 199042 & 199943]
- We updated the "Schedule Activity" popup window throughout ProMax. [Item 194933]
- We corrected a time zone issue that could sometimes affect the timestamp of the Risk Based Pricing notice. [Item 198417]
- We fixed an issue with the 'Checking/Savings' radio button selection on the Credit App not saving properly. [Item 197039]
- We eliminated an error that occurred when a prospect submitted a lead with non-numerical characters in the Income field. [Item 198901]