Speed Increases
We're doing more optimizations to increase your speed! For the past few weeks we've been tuning up, and it shows. You've probably noticed shorter loading times on a number of key Reports, including the BDC and Sales Management Report, the BDR Appointment Breakdown Report, and the Lead Management Report to name a few. We sped up the Internet Dashboard Leads and the BDR Workplan/Call Log and did another round of improvements on the Prospect Logs.
Electronic Titling and Registration Services
We have recently completed integrations with both Dealertrack and TitleTec to provide ProMax users in select states electronic titling and registration services. These integrations enable you to register and title motor vehicles right from your office. We currently offer online titling and registration sevices to 16 states, including California, Texas, Illinois, and New York, with more states being added all the time. To find out how to provide this valuable service to your customers, contact Scott Smith at 800-836-4001.
Honda/Acura Certification
ProMax is pleased to announce that we have been approved by AHM as a Certified Lead Management Provider for Honda and Acura! This certification enables Honda dealers to manage inbound leads through ProMax while conveniently handling OEM lead disposition reporting automatically. ProMax now integrates with all major OEMs. For more details on how ProMax can help improve response times and increase conversion rates, contact Melissa Sinclair at 800-755-7181 or visit our website: http://www.promaxunlimited.com/certifiedLeads.html
Other Version Update Highlights:
- We created additional filters to identify duplicate leads. [Item 129136]
- We added a Print Screen option to the Trade In screen. [Item 136479]
- We fixed an issue with the Alt Choice Proposal sometimes not printing the Company Name. [Item 136478]
- We corrected an issue with e-mail attachments. [Item 136184]
- The Accessories pricing table now shows cents. [Item 133745]
- The order of tabs in the Desking Total Profit screen has been fixed. [Item 136557]
- We added a scrollbar to the Manager Dashboard Lead Mgmt. & Results to fit on screens oriented to 1024 x 768. [Item 135515]
- Accessories can now be accessed on copied deals. [Item 136738]
- For dealers with ProMax websites, only vehicles with 'Retail' status will be exported to online listings upon running a CarFax. [Item 104343]
- We made enhancements to cerified lead reporting regarding duplicate lead entries. [Item 134256]
- Updated the new Risk-Based Pricing notices to include a signature line when a lender name is present (for dealerships in Ohio and Alabama). [Items 136350 & 136992]
- Speed optimizations. [Items 137260, 136860, 136837, 137203, 137263, 137261, 137257, 137252, 137221, & 137187]